Sunday, February 15, 2009

Team Moon

Team moon tells about how 400,000 people landed Apollo 11 on the moon. Not only did the astronauts land on the moon, but it took the help of 400,00 others who worked in the control rooms and in the engineering departments to help this mission be a success. The book tells about all of the different difficulties the team faced when trying to land the Apollo 11 on the moon. In the text it includes details and facts from this amazing adventure, but also different things the astronauts in the spacecraft thought and said to eachother. I really liked reading this book becasue I had never really studied or learned about the Apollo 11 mission. I knew we had landed on the moon, but that is all I really knew about the situation. Reading this book really opened my mind to what really went on.

The most amazing part of the whole book are the pictures. I looked through the book numerous times admiring them. The picures are real photos from the mission. There were pictures on the astronauts, the beautiful moon, the earth at different distances, and

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