Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Stellaluna is a very heartwarming book. It's about a bat that gets lost from her mother and ends up living with a family of little birds. She even starts acting like the birds. After doing all of the goofy things that the birds do, she is reunited with her mother. In the end the story is about friendship. This story reminded me of how I have some really good friends who I am exactly alike and some who I am completly different from. This story was a really good example of how people can look and even act totally different but still be reallly close friends. Janell Cannon was the author and illustrator for this book. I think the pictures in the book are really simple, yet fun to look at. I would probably scream if I ever saw a real bat, but the whole time I was thinking about how cute the bat on the cover and the pages was. The birds were very accepting of the bat and I think this is a really important virtue that the book shows.

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