Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Dad, Are You the Tooth Fairy?

This book definately caught my attention on the shelf. It made me think about what I would say to a child if they asked me about the Tooth Fairy or Santa Clause. This book is really interesting because it answers the question of whether or not these characters/people are real and it does it in a way in which it does not lie to the child. The story tells how long ago, many creatures such as dinosaurs, unicorns, wizards, and fairies roamed the earth. Each of the creatures wanted to control the world and as the did this, the magical creatures started to dissapear. In the end, the child has to decide what he wants to believe and of course chooses to believe in the fun, money giving Tooth Fairy.
This book had wonderful illistrations of all the magical creatures. I liked it because it is a story that leaves kids still believing in the end without lying to them. I brought me back to when I was younger and believed in all of these magical things. It made me feel like anything can be real as long as you believe in it. It really makes you use your imagination, especially with the ideas the pictures put into your head. It made me want to believe in all of these fun fantacies all over again!

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