Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Sometimes My Mommy Gets Angry

This book was written towards children who's parents suffer from a mental illness. The little girl's mother in the story is very nice to her and they have a good time together before school, but after school she is mean and yells at her and doesn't spend any time with her. I didn't really like this book. I can see where the author is coming from in addressing a hard topic like this one, but I just thought it was a little hard to understand. Some of the wording was a lilttle confusing and I just didn't really like the way that the topic was addressed. I feel that the book didn't really help the girl in the book, it just told her story. I think the book could have shown the situation a little better. I was thinking that if I knew a child that was in a similiar situation I would not read them this book. I just don't think it would really help them cope with the situation. Other than the little girl's grandma telling her to think happy thoughts, it didn't really help the girl and her situation. I don't think it told enough about the situation and I found myself wanting to know more. When I first read the book I didn't see the informative page that told that the mother had a mental illness, so when I read the book I really had no idea what was going on. I think that the informative page needed to be a little more obvious.

1 comment:

  1. This book has a catchy title but isn't anything like I expected it to be. It sounds deep and as if it would be a little too much to share with a child.
