Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Hey, Al

Hey, Al was written by ARthur Yorinks and illustrated by Richard Egielski. It is about a janitor and his dog who live a tough life with little money. One day a bird comes and takes them to a paradise island. They love it and decide to stay there until they start to turn into birds. They decide they would rather live at home and struggle than be birds and they finally get to go back home. This book teaches a wonderful lesson. The very last sentence of the story is ,"Paradise lost is sometimes Heaven found." I thought it was very touching. The book really makes you think about the things you have in life and may take for granted. I know everyday I could probably think about something that I WANT. Instead I should realize what I have and how lucky I am. I feel I am a very lucky person who has a lot to be thankful for. After I read this book I took a few minutes to sit back and think about all of the things I am thankful for and lucky to have. It is a really good feeling. This book brought with it a lot of emotions. The illustrations were also very colorful and fun, especially when they were on the island. I noticed how plainly colored the pictures were when the man and his dog were at home compared to the island to contrast the difference.

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