Monday, March 9, 2009

The Misfits

Wow! What an amazing book. I didn't want to put it down while reading it. I think this is such a great book to have at libraries for young kids to read. Junior high is such a tough time for kids. They go through so many different changes and along the way try to discover who they really are as people. The Misfits really shows many of the different stereotypes of children and I feel it portrays them so well. As I was reading this I thought back to my junior high years and was thinking about some of the different stereotypes of people my class included. I thought of times I remember that they were made fun of. I also think of different names I was called throught junior high and even high school. I was kind of a push-over in high school and if I was made fun of or called a name I would just laugh if off or ignore it. However, I remember how it hurt and I think I will always remember it. I also remember calling people names or making fun of them. I wasn't the bully type by any means, but I remember talking about other people behind their backs, even my friends. It's so sad to look back and think about. I think it would be cool if junior high kids could read this book or even high schoolers. It has such a strong message. I really liked the descriptive language in the book. James Howe used so many different metaphors that made his writing truly unique. I also liked how their was dialogue in the story. It really helped paint a clearer picture of the characters and who they were as people. In the end the No-Name Party didn't end up winning the elections, but I feel they truly did win because they accomplished what they had set out to do. I think this is also a message that you can take away from the story. I feel the story can help you to look at people in a different way. When Bobby told his class he ate peanut butter and marshmallow fluff sandwhiches because his mom liked them and she had passed away, it really took me by surprise. It definately showed how wrong people can be when they judge others. I thought this was such a good book and I would definately recommend it to everyone!

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