Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Llama Llama Mad At Mama

Llama Llama Mad at Mama was written and illustrated by Anna Dewdney. I heard someone say this was their favorite chidrens book in one of my classes and I thought I better check it out. For one, it rhymed and I just love books that rhyme. I also thought it was very cute. It is about a llama who has to go shopping with his mother and throws a fit because a he doesn't want to be there and doesn't like shopping. It reminded me of little walking through a store and seeing a small chld having a temper tantrum. It is always so funny and you just feel so bad for the parents. I loved that the book was about llama's. I mean how often do you read a childrens book where llama's are the main characters. I think this is the most fun part about the book. The llama in the story also has funny facial expressions to go along with his feelings. If I had kids, I would read this to them before we went shopping and tell them to make sure to not act like the little llama in the story. The ends and shows how much the mother and son llama's love eachother. I like how the mama doesn't ever get mad at the little llama for throwing a fit. Doesn't seem very typical... but yet seems like such a good mother!!

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